5 Best Ways To Improve Fertility
5 Best Ways To Improve Fertility
Many women are concerned about their fertility health. So,
if you’re hoping to get pregnant, you need to know that many factors can affect
your ability to conceive, starting from hormones to foods you eat. In order to
improve your fertility health, you can try these 13 effective and at the same
time important tips:

1. Use The Power Of High-Quality

You’ve probably heard the phrase “you are what you
eat”. However, avoiding foods also plays a big role in fertility health
and choosing toxin-free products is crucial.

Eating toxin-free foods means that your body won’t be
exposed to various chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and
hormones. All these components contain estrogen-like substances that can
negatively impact your hormonal health.

Of course, toxins are everywhere – in the air, care
products, etc. and it’s impossible to avoid them completely but avoiding
toxin-containing foods is a great way to reduce toxic exposure. Try to choose
organic, pasture-raised meats, organic fruits and veggies, clean fats and oils
as they can provide your reproductive system with what it needs.

2. Know Your Risk Factors

Risk factors like weight, age, and reproductive history can
affect your ability to get pregnant and your chances to have a healthy
pregnancy without complications. Unfortunately, your age plays a huge role in
fertility and pregnancy. At the age of 30, the average woman’s chance of
conceiving is 20 percent and by the age of 40, that chance drops to a low five

Your weight also matters. Being overweight or underweight
can cause infertility problems. Some reproductive disorders like endometriosis,
, or thyroid diseases also have a huge impact on fertility health.
It’s crucial to consult your doctor and make sure you’re getting the proper
treatment before trying to get pregnant.

3. Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels

Controlling blood
sugar levels
is essential for an optimal fertility diet. Since high blood
sugar levels put extra stress on your body, you need to choose the right kinds
of carbs instead of processed carbs as they can provoke glucose spikes. Try to
limit the consumption of foods containing “bad” carbohydrates like pasta,
bread, cookies, dessert, pretzels, etc. Eating high-quality fats, protein, and
dietary fiber will help you combat sugar cravings and decrease sugar intake.
Optimal blood sugar levels actually help keep your hormones happy.

4. Keep Your Hormones Balanced

Hormones are responsible for many things like metabolism,
mood, weight, and even fertility.

Estrogen and progesterone are two essential hormones that
play a key role in fertility and need to be balanced before you get pregnant.
An imbalance of these two hormones is accompanied by breast tenderness, low
libido, irritability, mood changes, sleep problems, irregular menstrual cycles,
heavy periods, miscarriages, and infertility.

Yes, progesterone and estrogen are two essential hormones
for your fertility but you still need to balance other hormones because all
hormones in your body are working together to trigger the components of
ovulation and menstruation. Consult your health provider and run a
comprehensive hormone test to check your overall hormonal health. These results
will help you and your doctor find the root cause of your hormonal problems and
what needs to be treated to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

5. Manage Your Stress Levels

When your body experiences stress, it produces the hormone
called cortisol.
This hormone is produced by your adrenal glands as a response to any kind of
stress – emotional, physical, or mental. But when you suffer from chronic
stress, your body needs to produce cortisol too often and this can negatively
affect the balance of your sex hormones.

Since sex hormones are made from the same raw materials as
cortisol, and chronic stress makes your body use these materials to produce
cortisol, you’re at high risk of decreased production of reproductive hormones.
Chronic stress also provokes missed periods and ovulation, weight gain,
insomnia, and adrenal fatigue. If you can’t eliminate stress at all, you can
manage your daily stressors. Meditation, getting high-quality sleep,
breathwork, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol will be helpful.