How to Avoid Pests During Camping Trips?

The best activity for summers is to go on a camping trip with your friends or your family. Camping is an
excellent way to relax your mind and body. You choose a destination, pack your bags, and get on the road.
The other way is to camp near your backyard, but that is only possible if you live in the suburbs of the city.
However, with wonders of camping, you have to face some natural calamities. The biggest downside of
camping outside is the pests. Whenever you are camping outside, you are virtually colonizing pests. Therefore,
you have to protect yourself from these pests when you are in their natural habitat. Here are some common
pests you would encounter while camping and some pest control ideas you could use to protect yourself.
These bloodsuckers are the worst enemy of humans in nature. Whenever you are outside, they would attack
you, and the wild mosquitos do not scare off that easy. That is why you need protection against them,
especially when you are on a camping trip. Mosquitos have a personal preference. They like humid, sheltered
places with natural cover. Mostly they prefer to be around water, and all these things could be at a camping site. There is nothing more suitable for them, then a camping site where the food comes crawling to them. That is why every camping site attracts a lot of mosquitos towards them.
Protection from Mosquitos:
However, pest control for mosquitos is not that difficult. You have to invest in some quality bug sprays to keeps
these pests away from you. So, if you follow the tips given below, you could save yourself from a lot of
mosquito bites.
  • Apply the after two hours intervals whenever you are outside.
  • Wear full sleeves and long clothes to cover the maximum part of your body.
  • Always wear bright-colored clothes as mosquito prefer dark places.
  • Try to wear a hat all the time.
  • Drink a lot of water to cool down your body temperature and to minimize sweating
  • Always return to your campsite during the dark hours.
  • Build a fire the smoke would keep the pests away from you
  • Always have a mosquito net to cover your sleeping bag at night.
Bees and Wasps:
The easiest way to ruin your camping vacation is to disturb a wasp’s nest unintentionally. Your leisure activity
would turn in a desperate fight for survival against the bees. These wasps and the bees are naturally not that
aggressive, but they would sting you in defense. Summers are the favorite time for bees to build nests. You
could quickly locate a few bee nests around any camping site. They create nest around campsites to suck the
nectar of the flowers planted at these places. If you are camping close to your home or in your back yard, then
you could call Surrey pest control experts to get rid of their colonies. However, if you are in the wilderness,
then protection against bees is much different.
Protection from Bees:
Bees are never going to leave their nest, so you have to follow safety procedures. By following the tips given
ahead, you could easily avoid bee stings.
  • Always wear long clothes to protect your body.
  • Never build a camp closer to vegetation.
  • Watch out for the nearby beehives.
  • Always carry anti-allergic medication with you if you are allergic to bee stings.
  • Always cover your food after eating.
  • Stay away from sugary items as sugar attracts bees more than anything.
These are the most common pests you would come across a camping trip. They could sneak up on you and
remain stuck on your body to suck blood for days. They not only suck blood from your body, but they also
transmit certain diseases during the process. Most of the time, they climb onto plants and wait for their next
Protection from Ticks:
The possibility of getting infected with diseases due to tick bites demands ultimate protection against them.
So, here are some tips to keep you safe.
  • Always build a camp on clean sites
  • Do not walk in overly grown grass
  • Use anti-tick sprays frequently
  • Wear pants and full sleeve clothes
  • Always wear hiking shoes and a hat during hiking
  • After reaching your campsite always inspect your body, clothes, and equipment for ticks
  • If you find any tick attached to your body remove them immediately with the help of tweezers.
Following these measures, you can save yourself from pests while camping outside for your recreation.
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