Does Sugar Cause Diabetes? Is It Real Or A Fiction Only?

Does Sugar Cause Diabetes? Is It Real Or A Fiction Only?
Does Sugar Cause Diabetes? Is It Real Or A Fiction Only?
Diabetes occurs when your body is no longer able to control
the blood sugar level effectively. These conditions only happen when your
pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin or when your cells become
resistant to the insulin.
High blood sugar levels over a long period can lead to
various complications like an increased risk of heart attack, as well as kidney
and liver damage.
There are two types of diabetes; in some cases, its
conditions can overlap.
  • Type 1 Diabetes
    This condition occurs when the immune system of the body attacks the pancreas
    and affects its immune system. This reduces its ability to produce insulin.
  • Type 2 Diabetes
    This condition occurs when your pancreas stops producing enough insulin. In
    some cases, the pancreas produces insulin, but the cells of the body no longer
    respond to the insulin produced by the pancreas.
Type1 diabetes is very rare in people, mostly genetic
disorder, only account 5 to 10% of all diabetes cases.
While Type2 diabetes is the most common and accounts for
more than 90% diabetes cases, this type of diabetes is usually affected by
lifestyle and diet.

How Is Sugar Metabolize?

Mostly when people talk about sugar, in general, they are
referring sucrose or table sugar, which is made from sugarcane. This sucrose is
made up of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose bonded
When you eat sucrose, the fructose and glucose molecules are
separated by enzymes in your small intestine. This increases the blood sugar
level in the body, which signals the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin
produced by pancreas shuttles the glucose out of the bloodstream and into your
cells where it can metabolize for energy purpose.
A small amount of fructose can be taken to your cells and
can be used for energy. However, the remaining amount of sucrose is carried to
the liver to convert it to either glucose for energy or fat for storage.
If you eat more sugar than your energy requirement, your
body will convert the excess sugar into fatty acids and store in your body fat.
High intake of fructose can also lead to higher uric acid in
the body. If these uric acid crystals settle in your body joints, a painful
condition known as gout can develop.

Can Sugar Intake Increase Your

According to a study, the people who regularly drink
sugar-sweetened beverages have a roughly 25% greater risk of type 2 diabetes.
The study shows that even if you drink one beverage daily, it can increase the
risk of up to 13%.
According to a survey, the countries which have the highest
consumption of sugar has the highest rate of type 2 diabetes, and the countries
with lower consumption have a lower rate.
Researchers believe that sugar intake can increase the risk
of diabetes directly and indirectly too. If you eat a large amount of sugar, it
can indirectly contribute to the diabetes form of weight gaining and increased
body fat.

Some Risk Factors To Diabetes

Consuming a high amount of sugar can increase the risk of
diabetes. However, there are some other factors too, which can contribute to diabetes
These factors include:

Body Weight – According to different studies, obesity is the
primary factor of diabetes. However, if you reduce your body weight only 5-10%,
the risk factor can also reduce.
Exercise – People who are desk-bound or live an inactive
lifestyle, have chances of getting type2 diabetes twice as compared to those
who are active.
Smoking – Smoking cigarettes every day can increase diabetes
more than double. However, if you quit the cigarettes, this risk can minimize
to normal.
Genetics – The risk of type2 diabetes is 40% if one of your
parents has it. However, if both of your parents have diabetes, the risk of
type 2 diabetes can be increased up to 70%.
Sleep Apnea – Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder, in which a
person experience obstructed breathing during the night.


An excessive amount of sugar can have various side effects.
It can increase the risk of diabetes, and also have a terrible impact on your
liver and kidney functionality.
Excessive sugar can also make you overweight, which is also
a high risk of diabetes. To control your blood sugar level, you can use
insulin. We have seen that diabetes can also cause nerve pain. A minor touch to
the skin can cause intense pain. You can buy pain tablets online
to control the nerve pain. To control this type of diabetes, eating a diet
which is rich in fruits, vegetables, and coffee, and maintaining healthy body
weight and regularly exercising can help you to reduce the risk of type 2
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