5 Proven Strategies To Increase Your Traffic
5 Proven Strategies To Increase Your Traffic

Traffic is the foundation of every successful blog.
But it is not so much about attracting as many visitors to
your site as possible, but about the right ones.
So if you want high quality traffic but do not know exactly
where to start, this article will help.
You will already know some of the strategies – but this is
exactly what I will present to you from a different angle.
To be precise, you will get to know five proven strategies
that I was applying to the traffic of my own blogs.

1. Write A Great Article:

Basically, Google has only one goal: It wants to offer the
searcher the best possible result of all existing articles on the Internet.
For this reason, you should invest less time in SEO, but
much more in the content of your article!
As far as on-page optimization is concerned, 95% of the time
it’s enough to put the keyword in the title of your article, once in an H2
header, and a few times in the text.
Otherwise, your article should have at least 1000 words, as
well as a tempting headline.
To make your articles so loved, shared and commented by your
readers, I’ll tell you later – so be patient!
If you keep repeating this process over and over again,
there’s nothing stopping you from climbing the top of Google!
In the next article, I’ll give you many more ways to find
Long Tails for your niche and I’ll also tell you my best practice on how to
spot which keywords actually make it to the first page.

2. Create An Elite Email List:

Email marketing is the best way to turn a hobby blog into a
blog business.
However, there is a catch on the whole thing: There are
still countless zombies in countless email lists.
Such zombies are the people who just used an email address
to dust off your freebie, but never to read your emails on a regular basis.
Whether your emails always end up in the spam folder, are
always deleted, or even ignored – it leads to the same thing: Such email
addresses will not move you and your list forward!
What can you do so that your list is not full of zombies,
but is full of dedicated readers?
Such a list includes only elite subscribers who are always
happy to open your emails and fully support you and your blog.

3. Find Blogs For A Guest Post:

Use your friend and helper – Google.
Simply enter the following search terms:
  • Your main keyword + “Guest Posting Service
  • Your main keyword + “write us”
  • Your main keyword + “post guest posting”

This will give you a huge number of blogs that you could
write for.
You can usually find the email address of the blog owner in
the imprint. Otherwise, there is often a “contact page”.

4. Find The Guest Contributions Of
The Influencers Your Niche:

The influencers of your niche have certainly written several
guest posting service contributions.
Of course, since they started small, they also had to find
out on which pages it would be worthwhile to write a guest contribution and on
which one less.
At this point I chose Robust Posts.
Now there is the possibility – if the blogger on his blog
has not even pointed out where he was allowed to write anywhere – to find his
guest contributions using Google.
5 guest posts – and thus 5 possibilities, where you can
publish a guest post.
Use the experiences of the influencers of your niche and
write, where you already could write.
But before you just write down every single blog owner, you
should first check how big your audience is in order to estimate how much
traffic you’re likely to generate later.
You certainly do not want to invest hours of your time in a
guest contribution that will end up earning you just 10 visitors and 2
subscribers a month.

5. Write A Terrific Guest Article:

If a guest contribution could not produce the desired results,
there are only 2 reasons:
  • You were not on the stage of a superstar.
  • You have only provided your second best article.

Today too many make the incredibly big mistake that they
spend too little effort on their guest article.
Of course you’d rather present the earth-moving article on
your own blog, but if you write a guest post with only half hearts, the new
readers will instantly punish you with ignorance!
Therefore: Write as if your life depends on it!
You do not get a second chance for the first impression – so
always deliver your best content as a guest post.