WhatsApp currently has One and six crore billion active users, compared to the 200 million monthly active users reported by Telegram. That means your friends and family are more likely to be on WhatsApp than Telegram. WhatsApp also introduced end-to-end encryption for all chats, where Telegram only uses it for secret conversations. Now, here describe WhatsApp VS Telegram in detail. Please scroll down.
Feature of Whatsapp
- Easy, reliable messaging.
- Send free messages to your friends and family.
- Continue the conversation.
- Photos and videos. Share important moments.
- Voice message. Say what’s on the mind.
- Documents are easy to share.
WhatsApp Hidden Features 2020: 7 Strategies You Should Start Using on Android, iPhone
- Pin important conversation.
- Mark important messages.
- Add desktop shortcuts.
- Unlock fingerprint.
- Two-factor authentication.
- New typewriter font.
- See who you chat with, Moss
Feature of Telegram
12 You should use the required telegram features.
- Use multiple phone numbers.
- Upload multiple profile pictures.
- Try a secret chat.
- Customize the look of the Telegram.
- Use wire bots.
- Enable auto-night mode.
- Mute contact and group.
- Share your live location
- Connect with a proxy server
- Take advantage of chat tools
- Take Control of Privacy and Security
- Save Messages You Want to Access Anywhere
Facilities of WhatsApp and Telegram
WhatsApp and Telegram have different features. So, their benefits are also various. Here are some benefits
Strong conversation
With WhatsApp Business Solutions, it’s easier for companies to engage in two-way conversations and personalized conversations. The WhatsApp solution can use for notifications and alerts, and it’s in customer service and conversation trades where it shines. Customers can question as they please.
Enabling Trusted Engagement with Secure Messaging.
Unleashing Conversational Commerce
The Indisputable Leader in Messaging Worldwide
Telegram is a messaging app that is extremely fast, easy, and free, focusing on speed and security. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time – sync your messages seamlessly. Across any number on your phone, tablet, or computer
WhatsApp vs Telegram security
Okay, Reddit has various articles and text posts related to this debate. I am going to focus on a specific topic in this debate. WhatsApp has become the end of encryption in all chats; However, the security flaw is that chat backups will lose the last edge of encryption. “Media and messages you backed up are not protected by WhatsApp end-to-end encryption while in iCloud.”
Now, would you trust Telegram MTProtocol? The Telegram contains secret chats with end-to-end encryption. Besides, But for this debate, I want to focus on backing up the last backup without ending up with MtProto vs. WhatsApp & Encryption.
WhatsApp vs Telegram users
Talk about WhatsApp, there currently has 1.6 billion active users, compared to the 200 million monthly active users reported by Telegram. That means that your friends or family are more likely to have WhatsApp than your Telegram.
However, the biggest drawback of a telegram is that it is not known as WhatsApp, but it is starting to change rapidly worldwide. So, Telegram users will likely adopt WhatsApp in years to come.
Moreover, WhatsApp is much older than Telegram and has more users. With the scalp feature added to telegram and is still being used properly. The number of telegram users can gradually increase. WhatsApp has become much more widespread. So, Telegram is a bit time consuming to beat it
Whatsapp vs Telegram Reddit
According to the latest statistics, by October 2020, WhatsApp is the most usable app than Facebook Messenger. With more than 7.0 billion users. That means WhatsApp is the Global Messenger app ranks first in the rankings.
According to a Statista survey in July 2019, Telegram Messenger ranks 5th in Germany. With an active user base of 7.8 million people daily. Snapchat is ranked 6th in Germany, with 7.2 million daily users (Statista April 2019).
2000 | |
Facebook Messenger | 1300 |
1206 | |
648 | |
Snapchat | 433 |
Telegram | 400 |
Statistics of both
Daily messages sent on Telegram | |
Sep-15 | 8 billion |
Feb-16 | 15 billion |
In April 2020, Telegram reported 1.5 million new users per day.
However, A telegram was among the top 10 most downloaded applications worldwide in Q2 and Q32020. With nearly 80 million downloads in both cases (sensor tower).
Also, Telegram, the most downloaded social media application in 20 countries Telegram is targeting 1 billion users by 2022.
However, 365 million lifetime downloads of Telegram as of August 2019 (Censor Tower)
Besides, Telegram has 500 million Android downloads by May 2020 (9to5google.com)
At last, An estimated 50 million telegram users in Iran before the 2013 embargo, estimated infiltration at 56% (BBC)
Daily messages sent on WhatsApp
The largest market of India for more using WhatsApp with 340 million users. More than 65 billion messages are sent through WhatsApp every day. In the United States, 53% of WhatsApp users use the app at least once a day.
However, The Q32020 has about 140 million WhatsApp downloads, followed by the Q22020 with 175 million, making it the fourth most popular (sensor tower).
WhatsApp, which is the most downloaded app of 2019 with over 850 million downloads (sensor tower)
Besides, Global internet 9% global internet users (excluding China) WhatsApp members, 1% users (globalweedx)
How popular is Telegram?
The image makes Telegram the 16th most used social application in the world. In terms of messenger apps, it will rank fifth after WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and QQ. However, According to Sensor Tower, Telegram has registered 365 million lifetime downloads worldwide as of August 2019.
People: Nikolai Durov (cofounder), Pavel Durov
Launched: August 2013
That means Telegram does not sell ads – stating that access to personal data obtained by advertisers would be against its policies. Funding so far comes from Pavel Durav personally. It mentioned that it would turn to user grants or a freemium model to raise revenue if needed. In his own words, “profit can never be the ultimate goal for the telegram.”
After that, In March 2018, Telegram launched Cryptocurrency Village privately to selected investors. Wanting to be a cryptocurrency for people, it hits the rocks when the US SEC announces it’s cryptocurrency. So, Telegram works with relative confidentiality and emphasizes the promise of freedom from market pressures or nationally imposed barriers.
Do TelegrAfteram support video calls?
Yes, They launched a new video calling feature on 14th August 2020 for the seven-year-old Telegram application.
Besides that, Telegram has assured that more features will add to future builds. Most notably, the service will have the option to make group video calls
How to make video calls on Telegram?
- Open Telegram on your phone.
- In the hamburger menu, in the top left corner, you can see it. Then tap it.
- After that, Select the call option from the sidebar.
- Click the call button at the bottom right, and for making a call, tap the contact name.
- Finally, For switching video mode, use the video option.
Maximum members in telegram group
Telegram has not yet launched a group video calling system. They have thought of launching In Future.
Do telegram compress image?
Yes, do. When you upload images to telegram on your device, the app will automatically compress them—sending an instantly working image as a file. That way, you don’t lose image quality.
In which country is Telegram banned?
Telegram is only the most popular messaging application between the two countries: Iran, where it is banned, and Ethiopia. China also banned Telegram, Pakistan, and Russia. Besides, The app had about 200 million users worldwide in March 2018, compared to about 1.5 billion for WhatsApp.
How popular is Whatsapp?
WhatsApp allows users to send free messages via the Internet, bypassing phone carriers that might otherwise charge users to send texts to their networks. It’s also open to installation.
WhatsApp video calling, chatting, and audio calling system
While in the chat window with a friend or group, you can send anything from photos to audio files. At the bottom of the chat, tap the text field to bring up the keyboard, enter the message, or tap the arrow on the left for more options.
Besides, The arrow should bring options to take a photo/video or send one from your library, as well as share a location or contact. You can send or take a photo by tapping the camera icon to the text field right in the chat.
For making a call, go to Calls and click the telephone + icon in the upper right. Tap the phone or video icon, at first Select the contact you want.
Maximum member in Whatsapp group
You must be a group administrator to add or remove participants from a group. A group can have up to 256 participants.
Is Telegram messenger better than WhatsApp messenger?
If we consider each feature and compare it with these two messengers, the Telegram will have more points. In the above, we know very well about WhatsApp VS Telegram.
So, to answer your question, it’s better than me. Different people have different needs so that they will judge something based on their needs. And if there’s something that most people follow, it doesn’t have to be this way. So, just because WhatsApp has more users, it probably means better. So, People follow the norm and are reluctant to decide for themselves, which is better.
Therese, Cloud storage, Quality of image, Group capacity, username, channel, Available across every OS, secret chat, gift and stickers, bots, Telegram Support force, are part of Telegram as well.
Which is the best(WhatsApp Vs Telegram)?
After considering everything, it turns out that Telegram is the best for some and WhatsApp is the best for some. Actor features and uses are the same. But now, at this time, people use WhatsApp tie more. Besides, Its use is still much more than a telegram. WhatsApp is much more comfortable to use than a telegram. So WhatsApp is the best tie.
Reasons why WhatsApp is better than Telegram:
- WhatsApp currently has 1.6 billion active users, compared to the 200 million monthly active users reported by Telegram.
- That means your friends and family are more likely to be on WhatsApp than Telegram.
- Also, WhatsApp introduced end-to-end encryption for all chats. Where Telegram only uses it for secret conversations.
- Besides, The chat app WhatsApp supports voice as well as video calls.
- WhatsApp lets a sender know the status of another user’s delivery and message text.
Comparison WhatsApp VS Telegram
WhatsApp and Telegram are instant messaging platforms for making communication quick and easy. Each application comes with a mobile and web version. Meaning conversations can be managed on multiple devices, a feature that is extremely valuable to users.
however, Both applications display to read and deliver confirmation. And provide users with the option to create group chats and make voice calls.
Besides, We can see that there are some similarities; also, there are some distinct differences between WhatsApp and Telegram.
Globally, WhatsApp is one of the most demotic instant messaging services. But with its broadcast, you may consider abandoning the app for the latest security breach option. Perhaps Telegram is your answer.
Besides, with the acquisition of WhatsApp via Facebook – people are becoming increasingly sceptical of the platform’s security capabilities. Therese, WhatsApp promised end-to-end encryption, but a recent report revealed that spy malware has created that could hack and monitor people’s accounts – specifically, the information, which said Israeli politicians and activists were activists.
On the other hand, Telegram is a multi-platform messaging application that enables the user to encrypt and send “self-destructive” messages. Meaning that any message or photo will disappear after a certain period. Telegram’s primary features include a chat function, voice call options, and similar “broadcast” capabilities on WhatsApp, including Telegram’s “Channel.”
Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram users have a universal “username” – ensuring that privacy protection. That means, Conversations are possible without the need for a user’s phone number.
Telegram users can save images, text messages, multimedia files, and documents in the cloud.
Besides, Users of Telegram can send any file up to 1.5 GB via Telegram. WhatsApp, on the other hand, restricts files to video, image, and document types. However, there are also bots in Telegram. Also, Telegram bots are applications set up to perform specific actions, follow instructions, and interact with users. Besides, the bots are powered inside the Telegram application and do not require an additional installation. Moreover, The functions of bots include weather information or useful news articles, schedule reminders, playing music, to-do lists, and other functional processes.
In short, WhatsApp allows users to make group video calls, has a large user base, provides end-to-end encryption, but lags behind Telegram in features like Therese limited file cloud storage and sharing. Telegram, Besides, has various bots, file sharing, platform compatibility, and privacy but does not have a video call function and has a small user base.
WhatsApp or Telegram? Now you can make your pick!
After all, we can say that each app has its pros and cons. WhatsApp and Telegram also have different features. They have other jobs. Telegram from WhatsApp is no less. Moreover, WhatsApp vs Telegram is the final one, and no one is inferior; both are the best in terms of ranking.