Parenting is a huge responsibility; understandably, new parents might want to feel good about the products they use for their babies. Babies need a lot of milk and formula to grow. Infants on formula are fed around 30 times a day. And chances are that your baby drinks at least one bottle of formula each day. Because it’s such an essential staple of your child’s diet, reading labels and ingredients can be confusing. But when you attempt to navigate the organic food market, the confusion gets even worse.

The growing popularity of organic European baby formula results from a combination of factors, including better nutrition education and increasingly health-conscious consumers. While organic food has been part of the mainstream for several years, it has taken much longer for organic baby formula to become widely available.

Following are some reasons why many parents are opting for organic European baby formula:

  •         Free of Additives & Antibiotics

Many conventional formulas contain artificial ingredients like corn syrup solids and palm oil, both of which are high in Trans fats that can cause adverse effects on a baby’s growth. The digestive systems of infants and small children are much more sensitive than adults, so they cannot handle toxins like agricultural chemicals or artificial growth hormones. Organic baby formula is free of these additives, giving your young one a better chance at good health.

Additionally, antibiotics are used in conventional dairy products to help animals produce more milk each year. As a result, these antibiotics can end up in the milk supply, which could also end up in your baby’s body. Some studies have shown that antibiotics can cause allergic reactions in infants who consume them regularly.

  •         Do NOT Contain GMOs

Baby formula can be vital for newborns, however, many parents unknowingly give their babies contaminated and chemical-rich formulas. Organic baby formula brands not only contain natural ingredients but are also GMO-free. GMOs are genetically modified organisms linked to allergic reactions, gastrointestinal problems, impaired immune function and infertility issues. Organic brands of European Baby Formula have no artificial dyes or flavors added, so your little one won’t be exposed to potentially harmful chemicals while they grow up!

  •         Is Highly Nutritional

Organically certified formulas have the right blend of ingredients to help your baby grow and develop properly. In addition, it is certified by the USDA not to contain any artificial preservatives or colorings that could put your child at risk for allergies or other health problems. The organic formula also includes probiotics, which help to keep your baby’s digestive system healthy. The probiotics prevent harmful bacteria from overgrowing in your baby’s intestines.

Because organic foods are grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, they tend to have higher levels of nutrients than conventional foods. For example, you may notice that your child’s skin looks healthier when eating organic food. This is because organically grown foods contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventionally grown foods. They also have higher amounts of beneficial minerals such as iron, zinc and magnesium than conventional foods, which are essential for a growing baby’s development.

  •         Tastes Better

European baby formula tastes better than other formulas available today. It is ideal for parents who want to feed their kids healthy food regularly without compromising on taste or quality! Kids love everything that tastes good, right? So if you want to give your kids something tasty but healthy at the same time, this is one way to go!

Better Farming Practices

Organic baby formula is a safe and healthy alternative to regular baby formula. Organic formulas are made from organic ingredients, meaning they are grown without pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers. In addition to high nutritional value, the organic baby formula supports a sustainable farming process, bringing quality, safety and green living to a new level. Read your baby formula’s nutrition facts label carefully to ensure it contains all the nutrients needed for a healthy diet for babies of different ages (for example, iron and calcium).

Unlike large-scale non-organic dairy farms, organic baby formulas source milk from smaller dairy farms with more ethical operations. These small farms do not use hormones or antibiotics in their cows’ feed or water supply. The cows are also allowed to graze in pastureland instead of being kept in confinement where they cannot exercise or move freely.

Organic baby formula is not only good for your child’s health but also for the environment because it helps reduce pollution caused by runoff from large feedlots full of animals raised on factory farms who have been fed antibiotics and hormones.

What is Organic Baby Formula Made of?

Organic formulas are typically made from whole ingredients and nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. To mimic the nutritional profile of breast milk, organic formulas use whole ingredients such as organic milk sourced from grass-fed cows and organic soybean oil. As a result, the end product should be comparable to breast milk in terms of its nutritional content and caloric density.

Organic formulas also differ from non-organic formulas in the way they are produced. Manufacturers of non-organic products typically use dried skim milk or whey to create infant fortifiers to boost protein levels in the formula. However, these additives can harm babies’ digestive systems and have been linked to allergies later in life. Organic formulas use whole ingredients with no additives or fillers, which makes them much more digestible for babies than non-organic formulas.

Should You Feed Your Baby Organic European Baby Formula?

While it is common to worry about whether or not you are doing enough for your baby, comparing yourself with others online is sure to do more harm than good. Instead of wasting so much energy worrying about how others are feeding their children, consider reading up on the facts about organic infant formula on the pack.

You should consult your doctor before making any changes to your baby’s diet — especially if you’re breastfeeding. Your pediatrician can help you decide whether an organic baby formula is right for your child based on age, weight and other factors.