The Role Of Addiction Support Groups In A Holistic Treatment Plan

The Role Of Addiction Support Groups In A Holistic Treatment Plan
The Role Of Addiction Support Groups In A Holistic Treatment Plan

Substance abuse addiction is
often taken lightly. It’s not fair from the perspective of the patient. Just
because someone is addicted to something doesn’t mean that he can recover all
by himself. Addiction treatment needs external support. It’s not only the
internal self that can control substance consumption. You have to provide some
support to the patient.

Now, the question is, how do we
help the person with substance abuse addiction. Many people don’t believe that
it’s a step-by-step procedure. Drug and alcohol
follow a specific program for the individual. That program contains
many different approaches to treatment that target the sole reason why the
person got into it.

You might have heard of detox,
support therapy, family therapy, counselling with psychologists, etc. Different
approaches might be executed on the same person. After that, when they record
the progress through each one, the ultimate method lights up. However, with the
experience of all the counsellors in alcohol rehab centres, the patient’s
reasons give them an idea about the approach. While some methods are more
universal in nature, some are specific.

The Treatment
Approach By Support Groups

Support groups target a very the emotional side of the person. in this article, we will first discuss what
exactly support groups do, and then we will analyze their role in a person’s
life. Addiction brings in a lot of sensitivity that is often unwanted. So,
support groups try and break it down by making a person feel that there are
others in this world just like you.

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During the first stage of
recovery, the person’s emotional side has to be targeted. With that mindset,
support groups sit in a circle and give their own testimonies regarding their
life. They tell everyone about the reasons why they got into it, or if however,
they got rid of the addiction. It motivates others to follow the same footsteps
and lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, if a person heals from addiction, he
might have undergone some rigorous steps. However, severe addiction calls for
something more than just a holistic treatment.

Some support groups also contain
family members. Again, it is to hit the emotional side. It makes them realize
that there is someone in the world for whom they can give up the addiction.
Many people confuse support groups with motivation. It might be one of the
target’s, but it doesn’t solely work on motivating the person.

The Exact
Role Of Support Groups

Let’s go through what support
groups actually do. These are the details of their role.

Required Emotional Care

Emotional support is the only
intangible resource provided by support groups. It motivates them in an
otherwise discouraging environment that is not only challenging but stressful.
One can easily give up even if the results are showing. So, they should be given
the required emotional care to trigger the feelings of awarding the substance.
Moreover, they get that avoiding advice from the ones who have recovered.

● Acceptance
And Camaraderie

On the same lines of emotional
care, acceptance and camaraderie help a person not feel lonely. In most
situations, when a person goes through the rigorous schedule of a drug
and alcohol rehab center
, the first outcome is to feel alone. That doesn’t
help with a situation of recovery. Acceptance and camaraderie are not only for
the patient but also for the loved ones. People actually understand what the
patient is precisely going through.

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● Makes It

It might sound a bit odd, but
support groups make it convenient for the person to last throughout the
rigorous schedule. Mostly, rehab centres operate in isolated places where only
a few facilities are available. It is not only the mental stress but also some
geographical boundaries that keep a person inside the cage. So, support groups
also listen to what you need. It adds to the convenience of your time in the
alcohol rehab centre.

So, now you might understand the
importance of support groups in the holistic treatment of addiction.


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