How To Set Up Business VoIP


Countries over the globe are setting date when the landline
phone system will end. A lot of people do not even remember using a traditional
landline phone anymore. Every sign point to VoIP solution as the future voice
communication. Regardless of this, some businesses are still

Business VoIP
comes with innovative technology and calls clarity. It is a good time for every
business to make the switch from the traditional phone line to VoIP Solution.
With VoIP, you can find features similar to or more advanced as a traditional
telephone system but at a lesser cost. To making the switching process easier,
you can follow these steps:
How To Set Up Business VoIP
How To Set Up Business VoIP
1. Estimate The Number
Of Users You Will Require:
The first step to getting a VoIP phone System is to estimate how
many users or employees you plan on having. If you have a good idea of the
number of users in the procedure early on, then it will be easier to make
certain decisions as you go. It can also help you estimate how many phone lines
you will be needing and whether your broadband can support the predicted call
volume. It can also help you determine which feature matters the most. VoIP can
also save money if your employees only require an extension and not their own
phone number. You need to check with your potential provide VoIP provider to
see what type of deal they can offer you.
Check If Your Internet Is Fast Enough
Check If Your Internet Is Fast Enough

2. Check If Your
Internet Is Fast Enough:
after estimating the number of
users, you need to be ready for testing your office broadband connection to
check if it can manage the VoIP phone system. This step is essential for two
reasons.  First, assessing your internet
connection before getting the VoIP phone system can save you a lot of
frustration and headache which results from the poor call quality or dropped
calls and insufficient internet connection. Second, it can possibly save you
hassle and time. If you switch to the VoIP Phone System
just to discover that your internet connection is inadequate, then you would
either have to cancel your VoIP service or you would have to go back to the
phone you had, or you will need to upgrade your broadband connection in your
workplace either of which can be actually be a hassle.

Set A Financial Budget For VoIP System
Set A Financial Budget For VoIP System

3. Set A Financial
Budget For VoIP System:
VoIP Phone services offer a variety
of phone features and it is normal to get carried away when selecting different
add-ons or bonuses which you can use. That is why you need to set aside a
financial budget early in the course. It can help you be grounded, and it can
ensure that your eyes do not get larger than your financial budget when you are
looking through the features and subscription plans. It also ensures that you
select the right fit for your office. Generally, the cost of VoIP plans can be
£15 per user to around £40 to £50 per user for premium plans. However, in some
cases, you can pay annually, and you will get a lot of monthly cost savings.

Decide On Which VoIP Features Are Important For You
Decide On Which VoIP Features Are Important For You
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4. Decide On Which VoIP
Features Are Important For You:
with VoIP, there is a wide
range of features available like unique numbers for every employee, call rules,
and auto call router, mobile apps, conference calling and much more. You will
have to figure out which features will be most helpful and useful for your
office. For instance, probably, you will want a site-based VoIP phone services
for your business, but your work keeps you on the move a lot. In that case, you
will need a great mobile application. Might be that you are getting a phone
system with over 10 phone lines. In such case, you need in-depth call routing

Here is how you can narrow down things:
  • Specifically write down why you need to get an office phone
    along with what you wish to achieve and what is the primary use of
    this phone system such as conference calling, calling out, calling while
    travelling, etc.
  • You need to do some research on what type of VoIP features
    directly related to your uses and need.
  • Create two lists: one with the features that you must have
    and the other one with the features which you would like to have but you don’t
    absolutely need.
  • When you begin to select your VoIP service provider these
    two lists which you create will help you in the selection procedure and can
    help you be more efficient and Quicker.
Select A VoIP Service
Select A VoIP Service

5. Select A VoIP
finally, it is the time to choose your VoIP service
provider. Before the final decision, you have to make sure that you have your
definite users’ number, a financial budget and the feature list which can come
convenient for reference. When making a final decision you need to compare VoIP
providers and find the solution which suits your business needs.

  • Select a VoIP provider which offers the features that you
    need. You must prioritise your list however how you can also take the ‘like
    list’ into account as well.
  • Make sure that the provider works for what you require. You
    need to read user reviews for the provider. Having a mobile application is
    great however if the application works poorly and the call drops routinely then
    it is not going to be a lot of help for you.
  • It is easy for you to use the selected VoIP system. This
    point is self-explanatory
  • The selected phone system is in your budget. You need to
    take in account your monthly budget and divide it by the number of users. You
    might need to bend a little bit one way, or other since your finances change
    however that should give few a per-user estimation, to begin with.
  • The selected VoIP provider has good customer service. Having
    Good customer service is important for VoIP since the phone systems are not
    installed or serviced professionally. You need to figure out things on your own
    which makes professional and prompt customer service very important.
Order The Phone And Other Hardware
Order The Phone And Other Hardware
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6. Order The Phone And
Other Hardware:
 After you have settled on the VoIP service
which you need, it is then time to order the hardware. Majority of VoIP phone
services can be employed without a special IP phone. For instance, often you
can buy an adaptor which you can plug into your analogue phone if you wish to
continue using those. Or you can also use your desktop, mobile phone or Tablet.
But to completely utilize all the additional VoIP phone features you might have
to buy an IP phone. The good thing is that there is a wide range of IP phones
available in the market from basic and inexpensive to sophisticated and costly.

Set Up And Configure The VoIP Phone System
Set Up And Configure The VoIP Phone System

7. Set Up And Configure
The VoIP Phone System:
 In the majority of cases, you just have
to plug in your telephone into your Ethernet system and then configure your
settings on the phone and you are ready to go. However, if you have a Firewall
then you may need to go back and forth with your service provider, so you can
get things to work correctly. If you are good with technology, then you will be
able to manage most of the VoIP setup. To make things easiest every VoIP
provider offers an in-depth tutorial. If you are not tech-savvy, then it would
be better for you to go with a VoIP provider that can walk you through the VoIP
setup procedure step by step over the phone.

If you want to a cost effective and valuable investment then
you need a VoIP phone system, which will benefit your business in more ways
than one. The great thing about VoIP phone technology is that they can provide
far-reaching advantages to a business, enhancing not just the communication but
also providing an impact across the board of your business.
In a progressively crowded marketplace, businesses want to
stand out from the rest of the crowd. VoIP phone services can benefit
businesses in a lot of ways, which helps your business to project a
professional brand image whether you are working from your room or from your
office. VoIP services are on hand and they can adapt to your changing business
needs, they can provide you a simple working solution for your team and allows
you to always put the customer service first. Through this article you can
implement a VoIP phone solution easily.


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