Here are some Ways to Keep Your Car Cool

different ways to keep your car cool

During the hot summer months, keeping your car cool is essential for your comfort and the longevity of your vehicle. When your car gets too hot, it can cause damage to the interior, such as cracked dashboards and seats, and it can also affect the performance of your vehicle. In this blog post, we’ll explore different ways to keep your car cool, both while driving and when parked.

  1. Use Window Shades

Window shades are an easy and affordable way to keep your car cool, especially when parked. They work by blocking the sun’s rays from entering the car, which can reduce the interior temperature by several degrees. There are different types of window shades available, such as foldable shades and suction cup shades, so you can choose the one that suits your needs best.

  1. Park in the Shade

When parking your car, try to find a shaded spot to prevent it from getting too hot. Look for a parking garage, a tree, or a building that can provide shade. If you’re unable to find a shaded spot, try to park with your car’s rear facing the sun, as the rear window tends to be smaller and lets in less sunlight.

  1. Use a Windshield Sunshade

A windshield sunshade is a specially designed cover that fits over your windshield and blocks the sun’s rays. They’re easy to install and can be used both while parked and while driving. Some sunshades come with reflective material that can reflect up to 99% of the sun’s UV rays, which can significantly reduce the temperature inside your car. An even better alternative would be to install ceramic tint on your windshield.

  1. Crack the Windows
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Cracking the windows of your car can help to release hot air and reduce the temperature inside your car. It’s essential to make sure that the windows are only cracked enough to allow air to circulate, but not wide enough for someone to reach in or for rain to get in. When parking, crack the windows on the side of the car that’s facing away from the sun.

  1. Use Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is an effective way to keep your car cool, both while driving and when parked. When starting your car, turn on the air conditioning before driving to allow the cool air to circulate. If you’re parked, turn on the air conditioning before getting into the car to reduce the temperature before driving.

  1. Cover the Seats

The seats in your car can become extremely hot during the summer months, which can make it uncomfortable to sit in. Covering the seats with a towel or a specially designed seat cover can prevent them from getting too hot and can make it more comfortable to sit in your car.

  1. Use Ventilated Seats

If your car has ventilated seats, use them to keep your body cool while driving. Ventilated seats have fans that blow air through small holes in the seat, which can reduce sweat and keep you cool. If your car doesn’t have ventilated seats, you can buy seat covers that are specially designed to provide ventilation.

  1. Use a Steering Wheel Cover

The steering wheel in your car can become extremely hot during the summer months, making it uncomfortable to touch. Using a steering wheel cover can prevent the steering wheel from getting too hot and can make it more comfortable to drive.

  1. Use a Cooling Seat Cushion
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A cooling seat cushion is a specially designed cushion that uses a fan or gel to keep you cool while driving. They’re easy to install and can provide a significant amount of relief, especially during long drives.

  1. Use Remote Start

If your car has remote start, use it to start your car and turn on the air conditioning before getting in. This can reduce the temperature inside your car before you start driving and can make it more comfortable to sit in.


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