Attorney Lead Generation: 5 Ways Attorneys Can Generate Leads Online


Attorney Lead Generation: 5 Ways Attorneys Can Generate Leads Online
Attorney Lead Generation: 5 Ways Attorneys Can Generate Leads Online

In an extremely saturated market,
attorney lead generation has become a significant challenge for most lawyers.
Quality leads are getting harder and harder to generate as consumer behavior
has changed over the years. About 76%
of consumers
use online resources to search for professional attorneys,
making the internet the battleground on which lawyers fight for attention.

The only thing between winning
and losing is a well-planned and well-executed marketing strategy. So what do
you do to come out on the winning side? Below is a comprehensive guide that
breaks down a working strategy and makes legal lead generation easy peasy.

1. Create A Professional Website
Designed For Legal Lead Generation

A professional website is hands
down the best lead generation avenue for lawyers. It’s arguably the most
effective marketing asset if you get it right. It has to be professionally
designed because over 75%
of users
judge a business’s credibility based on its website design.

If clients are not impressed with
your website, there’s a very slim chance they will trust you to handle their
legal matters.

Fast Speeds

Apart from a professional design,
your website needs to be super-fast. Most people expect a website to load
within the first
3 seconds
. Any longer and they press the back button and look for a
competitor with a faster website. It’s also imperative for it to be responsive,
which means mobile-friendly.

Mobile Responsive

You see, over 50% of searches
happen on mobile. This is where most of your target audience is, so you need to
optimize your website for mobile users. You will have zero chance of converting
mobile users if your website doesn’t favor them and a high chance of legal lead
generation if you do.

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Easy To Find

In addition to this, your website
must be easy to find. A majority of clients looking for professional attorneys
search for local services. You not only need to appear on the first search
page, but you need to be optimized for local searches as well.

Beyond that, your website must be
visually appealing and authoritative.


Authoritative means you need to
appear aggressive and ready to fight for clients. You need to have professional
and authoritative content, helpful and insightful blog posts, and incredible
legal guides.

You also need case studies,
infographics, testimonials, and videos that showcase both your industry prowess
and personality. Ensure your affiliations, associations, news mentions and
awards are on your website as well.

The most important part of
attorney lead generation is ensuring the website is optimized for conversions.
You need to prompt your potential client to take action and encourage them to
contact you by having clear calls-to-action. Make sure your contact information
is clear and have a pop-up box that asks them to subscribe to your newsletters.

2. Take Full Advantage Of Search
Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization,
better known as SEO, is one of the best strategies to get you the best legal leads. Organic search is
extremely important, and you can only achieve it through search engine
optimization. The idea here is to appear on the first page of Google for your
keyword phrases.

Some of the most important
aspects of appearing on the first page of a search engine, include having a
secure website using an SSL encryption. Beyond that, use page speed, schema
markup, quality content, and mobile optimization. However, there is a lot more
like social signals, quality backlinks, and search intent.

The secret to generating legal
leads is having the right keywords and key phrases, which indicate commercial
search intent.

3. Use Recommendations And Referrals
For Attorney Lead Generation

Recommendations and referrals are
some of the best sources for qualified legal leads. In the past, referrals were
more of a word-of-mouth strategy. Now everything is happening online, and
clients are leaving reviews for others to refer to. If you’re going to generate
quality legal leads, you need to have an incredible review portfolio.

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You see, about 88%
of consumers
trust online reviews as much as they do personal
recommendations. Positive reviews make them trust a company. Ensure your
reviews appear on credible review websites, such as Google, Yelp, FindLaw
websites, Nolo,, Lawyers US Legal, Law Info, among others.

Ask all your clients to leave
reviews and testimonials after services. Most people are happy to do so,
especially if they are pleased with the services received.

4. Use Pay-Per-Click Advertising For
Legal Lead Generation

Pay-per-click or PPC advertising
is one of the best-paid advertising for attorney lead generation. If you search
for something on Google, the first four listings are usually Google Ads
advertisements, which are PPC ads. Never overlook paid ads because 63% of
consumers click on Google ads, and 75% of them feel that ads make it easy for
them to find the information they need.

5. Use Content Marketing To Your

It’s 2020, and content is still
king. All kinds of content, from blog posts to videos, Ebooks, infographics,
whitepapers, guides, and webinars, can reel in an incredible number of leads.
The higher the content quality, the more the leads you generate. Offer
comprehensive information and answer all the questions potential clients could
have when searching for an attorney.

How much do lawyers cost? Are
attorney consultations free? Which type of lawyer do I need and how do I find

These are some important
questions. If you cover them as topics on your blog section then offer
comprehensive answers, clients will trust you and be more inclined to click
that CTA button.

Apply These Legal Lead Generation
Strategies For The Best Outcomes

Attorney lead generation doesn’t
need to be complicated. It may be necessary to hire a lawyer marketing company,
though, so you can hit the right spots and come up with a winner in this battle
for attention. Having a professional marketing company that understands the ins
and outs of the legal industry could go a long way to getting quality leads and
growing your law firm.

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